Saturday, January 22, 2011

On the Apocolypse (and Rice Krispie Treats?)

This author cracks - me - up! 

Mercury Falls by Robert Kroese

My husband thinks I'm officially nuts now (if he didn't already) because I found myself laughing out loud and then having to explain what was funny.
"Well, there is this angel and he wants to make Rice Krispie Treats with Peeps!"
"You see, this demon just brought this dude back to life and then whacked him on the head with a shovel.  No, it was funny, guess you just had to read it or something."
"Lucifer came to the door in his bathrobe!"
"Oh my, the antichrist is a dork."

Talk about getting crazy looks from those I love.

But it is hilarious.
We have:
Christine, an aspiring writer who (for some reason) finds herself only getting assignments about end of the world cults

Mercury, a free-wheeling, fun loving angel who hasn't decided what side he's on (or we don't figure it out for awhile anyway.)
Gamaliel and Izbazel, two crazy fallen angels that make me think of Rosencrantz and Gilderstern... 

A fun read.  Philosophical and Profound, yet making fun of everything (which I love.)  Just downloading another one of his books The Force is Middling In This One: And Other Ruminations from the Outskirts of the Empire  (See what I mean!)
You gotta love a smart guy who doesn't take himself too seriously.

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