Friday, January 21, 2011

Letters from a vampire...

Yeah, yeah, I know...  Another vampire book.  
And this one titled after a song by one of my favorite bands when I was a teen (long, long, ago.)
The Cure (and yes, I had this poster on my wall many years ago.)

This one is a novella to accompany the My Blood Approves series by Amanda Hocking.  Hocking is my new heroine.  A self-published novelist who is very prolific.  She's put out quite a few books and I've read almost all of them so far.  (My favorite is the Trylle Trilogy.) Nothing serious or life changing.  Just fun to read (which is what we all need sometimes!)  Can't bring myself to read the zombie love story she wrote yet... (not a zombie fan, can you believe it?) 

In this novella we have letters from Peter (my favorite hunk in the My Blood Approves stories) to his first true love, Elise.  A sad story that makes you realize why he acts the way he does in the other novels.  Still, I wish Alice had been smart enough to choose Peter.  He makes Edward look like a dork.

1 comment:

rachel coney said...

I'm reading this right now. I'm not very far in but I do like the insight it gives on Peter. After seeing your post on the Trylle trilogy I've read all of her stuff. So thank you for the recommendation :) I even read Hollowland (and zombies scare me to death) and I enjoyed it.


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