Thursday, January 6, 2011

Coming in 2011!!

I wanted to make a list of books I'm waiting on in 2011...

  1. Forever by Maggie Stiefvater (coming July 2011)
  2. Riptide (Dark Life #2) by Kat Falls
  3. Passion (Book 3 in Fallen Series) by Lauren Kate (July 2011)
  4. Son of Neptune (Book 2 in The Heroes of Olympus series) by Rick Riordan (fall 2011)
  5. Kane Chronicles Book 2 by Rick Riordan (May 2011)
  6. City of Fallen Angels (Book 4 in Mortal Instruments series) by Cassandra Clare (April 2011)
  7. Clockwork Prince (Book 2 in Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare (August 2011)
  8. Eona (Eon #2) by Alison Goodman
  9. Ascend by Amanda Hocking (January 15th, 2011)
     Okay, stopping there or I could go on awhile...
    and yes, most (okay all) of these are classified as YA or Children's Sci Fi or Fiction.  Maybe I'll come up with an adult list soon, but maybe not! :)


    Sara M said...

    Add to the list: THE WARLOCK, the next in the series of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. Our oldest is saving her Borders gift cards for this one, and we can't wait to read it, too!

    I see I have much more reading catching-up to do. Thanks so much for sharing!!

    Panamamama said...

    Thanks, Sara! I will have to add it. I don't think I read the Secrets of the Immorta NF yet! Have to do that first! :)


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