Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall...

To begin let me say I adore Cornelia Funke's imagination. I wish I spoke German so I could read in the native language, but the translations seem to be good enough for me.  In September her new series based on Grimm's fairy tales came out.  I finished Reckless this weekend on my trip away.

It starts with a dad leaving his wife and two children alone.  
Where he went, nobody knows...  
His study is as he left it, dusty but otherwise untouched.  A beautiful antique mirror adorns the wall.
When the eldest son, angered and rebellious discovers what lies behind the mirror he too disappears.  
A world behind the glass-
Dwarves and Dragons,
A brother turning to jade.
What if all the fairy tales were true?
Ranier Strecker and Cornelia Funke reading from Reckless (image from her fan website)

*Her stage adaptation of Reckless is coming to Germany!

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